NewGen’s Carbon-Neutral & Green Hydrogen Project Is Another 1st For T&T

NewGen is pleased to announce the launch of its next phase of development for the NewGen Carbon-Neutral & Green Hydrogen Project- which intends to enhance ammonia production at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate.  As a locally developed and driven project, it will reaffirm Trinidad and Tobago’s position as a pioneer and producer to scale of mega energy projects, while being a leading contributor to improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide levels in T&T’s energy sector. 

Trinidad and Tobago is already a globally-established industrial scale producer of hydrogen from natural gas. That hydrogen is used as a feedstock for methanol and ammonia plants at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate.  The innovative concept that NewGen brings is the production of hydrogen from an industrial electrolysis process powered by carbon-neutral electricity, and by “green” electricity from renewable sources. 

The NewGen Project has a focus on sector coupling, where electricity will be sourced from green and carbon neutral sources. Green electricity will be sourced from industrial scale renewable power providers, and carbon neutral electricity will be sourced from excess heat currently generated by the power sector. Neither of these will result in incremental gas consumption or carbon dioxide emissions.  

The resulting supply of Carbon-Neutral and Green Hydrogen will initially deliver about 25% of the feedstock needed for a typical ammonia plant at Point Lisas. As a new greenfield project, and with these additional volumes of hydrogen, the new facility will breathe new life and sustainability into the Estate by bringing new investment and activity. 

By harnessing renewable natural resources and excess heat from T&T’s power plants, NewGen intends to provide a creative solution to reduce the carbon footprint and contribute to the Energy Transition of our hydrocarbon-based industrial complex. That spells good news for our nation as signatories to the Paris Accord, and for T&T’s commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of our country, and our planet. 

This vision for a greener future and Trinidad and Tobago’s decarbonisation plan has peaked global attention and awaken interests at several international media houses. 

These articles, which can be further viewed at the respective website include:

NewGen Energy Ltd T

A Greener Future – Propelled  by a New Generation of Hydrogen

NewGen Energy Limited ( was locally incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago as a private sector special purpose vehicle for a proposed carbon-neutral and green hydrogen production project to be located in Point Lisas, Trinidad. The development of NewGen has been sponsored by Kenesjay Systems Limited (Kenesjay), a local project development and consulting firm founded in 1998, with its core business of securing a sustainable energy supply for Trinidad, Tobago, and the Region.