Heroes Foundation

Philip Julien is the Founder and Chairman of the Heroes Foundation - (HF) a registered non-profit organization that was established in October 2002 to service the needs of youth in Trinidad & Tobago.

The Foundation’s reason for existence is to nurture the Next Generation of Heroes. This is achieved primarily through our creation and promotion of mentorship activities, by the youth and for the youth. It is our mission to ensure that the young people we work with are exposed to opportunities where they may practice acts of selflessness, are exposed to mentorship activities, and sometimes, are themselves mentored.

This mission has afforded the Foundation direct access to the people’s views on leadership, community and responsibility, which has resulted in a startling realization – that now, more than ever before, Trinidad And Tobago Needs Heroes.


Who We Are

The Heroes Foundation (HF) is a registered non-profit organization that was established in October 2002 to service the needs of youth in Trinidad & Tobago.

What We Do?

We at the Heroes Foundation believe that our youth’s moral base is crumbling. Low self-esteem, apathy and materialism (“what’s in it for me”) permeate their ranks, which inevitably feed the vicious cycle of crime and violence.

Primary Goal

The organization has established projects and programmes that are in-line with our founding mission:

“To provide a source of inspiration to Trinidad and Tobago’s youth, by fostering an appreciation of Local Achievers and the Concept of Heroism”.

How Do We Achieve Our Goal?

Heroes Convention has always been the Foundation’s flagship event which provides an opportunity for all our stakeholders and other NGOs to showcase their involvement/contribution towards positive change in our society.


For more information on how to become a Volunteer or to make a donation visit http://www.theheroesfoundation.com/